NURSSU provides revalidation, appraisal and support solutions that are independent, supportive, impartial, robust and defensible:

  • Reflective Discussions
  • Confirmer Services
  • Annual Appraisals
  • Pre-Employment Services


Our network of registered NMC practitioners are trained to conduct Reflective Discussion meetings to verify and validate your written reflective accounts prior to your Confirmation meeting.

With the support of our trained administrative professionals, we will schedule a convenient appointment for your meeting with one of our registered NMC nurses to act as an appropriate person.

This service supports nurses who do not have access to an appropriate person or Line Manager.


Our independent NURSSU Confirmation Service protects you and your registration, is free from any conflict of interest and that is not vulnerable to any suggestion of bias.

Our Confirmers are registered NMC senior nurses who can empathise with you, understand your employment situation, your abilities, limitations and your opportunities, making them best placed to review and verify your completed portfolio prior to your revalidation submission.

NURSSU provides a Confirmation Service that supports nurses who do not have access to an appropriate person or Line Manager and offers continuity of relationship, independent of geographic location and spanning all work contexts throughout your career.


We have a network of senior clinicians, trained to conduct annual appraisals for all healthcare professionals in accordance with the requirements of the new NHS Agency Supply Framework.


For healthcare organisations, we also offer a network of senior clinicians who are trained to conduct pre-employment interviews and language checks for all healthcare practitioners in accordance with the requirements of the new NHS Agency Supply Framework.

Contact us for more information.